Monday, 9th Jan 2017 (8am - 5pm)
At 8.00 a.m., I compiled the experimental raw data which was obtained last Friday, using Microsoft Excel, including the photographs showing the settling of flocs in solution. I had made a simple conclusion before emailing this file to Tee.
At 9.15 a.m., we had a daily review meeting with the operators as usual.
At 10.00 a.m., I walked around in the WWTP and realized that the new DAF with a larger capacity had arrived and been installed a few days ago. The construction of roofing and installation of piping were carried on at the new DAF site. In the DPRS site, there were still several minor installations and checks in progress. At the same time, a concrete bund was built around the filter press (sludge dewatering system). Later, Jaclyn and I observed the newly installed DAF unit with its flocculation system.
Between 1.30 and 3.30 p.m., I generated a final laboratory report for the experiment as required by Tee. In this report (refer to Appendix B), the procedure, tabulation of results and discussion were clearly described, including the conclusion about the recommended dosing of the chemicals based on the experimental outcomes.
Later Fam gave us two documents of the operation manual of the new DAF
unit. Tee had told us that the person in charge of the DPRS commissioning would be coming tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, 10th Jan 2017 (8am - 5pm)
At 8.00 a.m., as usual, I walked around WWTP to observe the unit operations in the plant. Later, Tee, Fam and Jaclyn arrived at the site and I was called to meet two persons, Maurice from the Netherlands and Leon from local, who are in charge of MBR commissioning. Fam had guided them to understand the process flow of DPRS. According to Maurice, functional testing and checking of each equipment and instrument would be conducted before the commissioning stage of MBRs.
At 9.15 a.m., we had a meeting with the operators as usual. I was informed the commissioning of the sludge dewatering system would be conducted from this week onwards.
At 11.00 a.m., we met the person in charge of filter press commissioning. They started to check the electrical panel of this system.
At 2.00 p.m., to obtain the input data for generating the material balance of our existing WWTP, I went to the WWTP control room to collect water parameters which have been recorded by the operator daily since the first day of January. The aims of the recording are to monitor the characteristics of water in WWTP and as the reference for the engineering department and DOE.
At 4.00 p.m., I went to the DPRS site and noticed that there were two
A1 paper-sized P&IDs pasted on the holding tank. Several parts were
highlighted with different colours, indicating certain instruments or equipment
had been checked mechanically, electrically and in the aspect of input/output (I/O) software operation.
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