Wednesday, 11th Jan 2017 (8am
- 5pm)
At 8.15 a.m., Jaclyn shared the softcopy of DPRS, the new DAF unit and the sludge dewatering system, which consists of P&ID drawings, enclosures, operational and technical description manuals. These documents would be useful for my tasks in the future.
At 8.30 a.m., I went to the filter press site and took photographs of different parts of the filter press system for my reference. There were minor constructions such as painting at this site.
At 9.15 a.m., we had a daily review meeting with the operators as usual. Tee had told me that every day at 4.00 p.m. I have to attend the meeting to listen to any updates and feedback from person in charge (PIC) of commissioning in the DPRS control room.
Later, Mr. C. M. Balaram, a senior lecturer from my university, confirmed a visit on Friday with us via email. The main purpose of this visit is to review and evaluate my performance in my internship at Nestlé. Mr. Bala has more than 30 years of industrial experience before being a lecturer in my university. He lectured me for several engineering units, such as Engineer in Society (CHE4161) and Design Project (CHE4170). He will lecture on Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Systems (ENE3608) next semester (March-May 2017).
At 4.00 p.m., Tee, Fam, Jaclyn and I had a meeting with the PIC in the DPRS control room. I observed that there are closed-circuit televisions or
CCTVs for the surveillance of the two entrances of the DPRS site and the corridor
between the aeration tank and MBRs. The purpose is to monitor the overflow
condition from MBRs to the aeration tank when under operation. Besides, we
were informed that the MLSS in MBRs would be maintained at 10000 mg/L.
Thursday, 12th Jan 2017 (8am - 5pm)
At 8.15 a.m., Jaclyn added a template in the FLOC file, which lists certain parts to be maintained, the maintenance schedule and the specification of lubricating oil required for each equipment. I will prepare all the information to complete the FLOCs.
At 9.15 a.m., we had a daily review meeting with the operators as usual.
Between 10.00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., I was performing material balance and calculating the parameters of biological treatment of existing WWTP using Microsoft Excel. During the process, I found some uncertainties and questions, even though I had revised the steps several times.
At 4.00 p.m., I attended the meeting to listen to any updates from the PIC of MBR commissioning. The cassettes of hollow fiber membranes were transported using a truck-mounted crane for installation inside the MBRs. At the same time, the floating aerator in the balance tank was faulty previously and the replacement was carried on.
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