Monday, September 12, 2011




晚上7时20分,我们终于抵达台湾。办理好入境手续,提了行李,就到大厅,见到了一路以来帮助我们的学长学姐。然后8时20分他们带领我们乘坐出租车往台中市东海大学去。台湾国道电子收费站可以时速110公里通过,比马来西亚的smart tag快了许多。

台湾的黎明来得特别早,9月6日的早上6时多就天亮了,我起身梳洗一番。可我的室友还在睡,不过今天8时开始就有一连串的测验和活动等着我。我只好自行问人到达目的地。早上有华文测验和讲座;中午赶着去体检;下午有微积分及英文测验;晚上在中正堂参与迎新典礼“相见欢”,然后alpha leader带领我们到系楼自我介绍,不过leader的带动很无聊。就这样我忙了一整天回到宿舍去。博浩搬出宿舍了,剩下我和维荏,还有台北人。



9月9日。这天我们都在各系所进行游戏互动,可是alpha leader实在是逊透了,我感到好无聊。幸好有其他学长搞笑陪我们玩游戏。晚上6时,我们到路思义教堂的草坪上集合,我赶回宿舍邀请家人观赏现场转播的活动。晚上7时,“希望之夜”节目正式开始,草坪挤满三千多位新生,晚上9时20分节目结束了。本地同学纷纷于今晚或明早返乡度过最后3天的暑假,室友也回家了,我正计划这三天怎么过。

Taiwanese bento



Monday, June 27, 2011

人生 • 过渡期

上了一学期A levels课程,我就不再继续了。当初SPM才考完不久就被爸爸送到Taylor's College Subang Jaya 校区,虽然一开始的大转变与仅用英文为教材,让我很难适应而几度倍感压力。可能是想逃避吧,当我获悉另一个选项是到台湾东海大学深造的机会,心里只想摆脱这环境而选择后者。





直到出殡那一天,我记得我们聘请了RELA 来帮助我们维持交通、开路。车水马龙的公路暂时停了下来,记得当下晴空万里的早上,顿时细雨纷飞,直到我们往墓园的路上驶去。我心中感到惊叹,也感到欣慰。也许是为了全家平安,外婆好多年茹素、虔诚拜佛感动了上天吧。当时的情景,目前我依然记得很清楚。


Sunday, March 27, 2011

18岁生日快乐~ 18th Birthday


这一天朋友都知道今天也是我的生日,纷纷祝福我。拿了成绩后,我们当然聚会玩了。这一次很特别,我与A1朋友来到Aeon Bukit Tinggi,最近开张的大型商场。我们一起吃午餐,聊天。

然后Vivian和EM来到Starbucks请我吃蛋糕,祝我生日快乐。后来Vivian提前离开了,我和EM单纯地聊天。我很开心,难得在这大日子里有她的出现,还陪我一个下午,第一次一对一。我们相识了10年,而且平常的同学的聚会未必遇见她。我们聊着毕业后的目标,现在的课业。可是好景不常,杀出了一个程咬金。我无奈,但也只能接受这个“第三者”。为了留下这一刻,我要求他为我和EM合照。谢谢妳,祝福妳 =)


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mars Needs Moms

I have three days holiday and it's the time to relax from busy pre-U college life. Yesterday noon sister and I went to TGV Bukit Raja to watch a 3D computer-animated movie Mars Needs Moms. I like the effect of this movie, especially its background is outerspace. We enjoyed one and half hours for a nice movie =D

The film follows a boy named nine-year-old  Milo. Milo is just beginning summer but his mother gives him chores and tasks like weeding the garden or eating his vegetables. But after Milo tints his sister's face purple, his mother sees no humor in this. She orders him up to his room. After an argument with his mother in which Milo says "I don't see what's so special about mothers!", Milo goes to his room. After falling asleep, Milo does not hear the rumble of the rocket landing outside. After, Martians enter Milo's house and take away his mother, Milo realizes that he has to rescue her. He embarks on an adventure to rescue his mother.

Milo finds out just how much he needs his mom when she's kidnapped by Martians who plan to steal her "momness" for their own young.

Milo's quest to save his mom involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader, the Supervisior. With the help of tech-savvy underground Earthman Gribble , his bionic underground pet Two-Cat and rebellious Martian Ki, Milo finds his way back to his mom.

Friday, March 18, 2011

6M Gathering 20110219

It was 5 months we 6M buddies didn't have a gathering since September 2010. At the beginning of the year 2011, many of them keeping urge me to organising a gathering after SPM or during CNY. But it's not easy to organise which everyone agreed on. I almost get dilemma, I think maybe first time organising a gathering. Haha.

It was a great gathering on 19 February 2011 finally! Our gathering began on 7 pm at 88 Steamboat BBK. I was glad to see them, especially Steph and Chee Siang, new buddies who first time attended!
That night we had a great time with enjoy our steamboat and chit-chatting. I was keeping change the seats because wish to take this moment to chat with you all. Most of the topics were around current activities we did and ambition in future.

At 10 pm onwards, each of them left and brought back the happiness we had. It indicates I successfully organised a gathering and created a great moment for us, did I? XD

Glad to see you again, my awesome buddies!


Working as a promoter

At the beginning of year 2011, I don't have to go to school for attending boring lessons, but it indicates that I have nothing to do. So Loon wern and I went to the malls for asking vacancy available and suitable to us, but we had to wait until being informed.

On sunday I received a call from Aussino KP that asked me to have an interview at the noon. Actually there was just simple conversation before get the job. The manager told me next day come to work at clearance fair which held along 10 days in Centro Klang and I was excited when heard it.

So, it was the beginning of 8 days working as a promoter.

At the first day 6 pm, I came to the place and saw some people seen like wait the manager, same as me too. We carried on our first duty after instructed by manager, which moved all the stocks from the FIVE trucks to the fair centre! It was time consuming but afterwards we had to arrange all the stocks on the racks and shelves! It was midnight ad when I went back home and I was super duper exhausted!

On the next day I came to the place and began to work as promoter. I thought the following days would be tiring but it's not, I started to enjoy the work and environment here. There are four male part-timers including me and three permanent staffs. The fair was just in front of Secret Recipe and CIMB Bank.

Oh ya! Forget to tell you what we did there. Our jobs were to promote and sell pillows, bed sheets, quilts, boosters, bath towels, blankets and many more. So sad we can't sleep on the bed but had to serve customers. The cakes and ice cream displayed in Secret Recipe were trying to attract us. But the atmosphere is great, quiet and luxurious. My job is quite easy and comfortable. =D

There was peak hours when the customers off their works (There are many offices and companies in Centro buildings) and after having thier lunch or dinner. Actually serving customers can be fun, but the condition is I meet good customers. I would get a wonderful sense of achievement when they had decided to buy something after I promoted, especially some purchased as much as they wanted. Some customers are nice, they even asked me questions such as "waiting for SPM result?", "what is your next future study?". Of course I'm willing to help them carrying things to counter and sent to their cars or location seen they bought many things, although those aren't our responsibilities.

Serving customers is a very challenging task. I have to agree the statement "Customers are always right". I thanked to the nice customers when they're leaving. I still remember a man gave me thumb up before he left with the things. It was great =D

But the statement maybe allow some stupid fellow abusing their rights for meaningless purpose. There were a lot of bitchy customers when choosing the things. It's troublesome when you have to pack all the things they opened, especially the bed sheets or blankets, and arranged back nicely but they buy nothing. Some of them still disagree the price with dissatisfaction and suspicion. They should know this is a stock clearance and the price is as low as the cost of production.

I still remember there was a stupid drunk customer from the bar came to choose the shirt. You won't imagine how the drunk people keep the shirts messy around the shelf and left without purchasing anything! And there was a super duper troublesome and annoying customer came to buy a shirt. That time Kenny served him and he was angry of that stupid fellow. "Wah! Service here is so low quality arr? Didn't arrange the shirts properly?" bla bla... The staffs and I get to helped Kenny to serve the customer who just bought ONE RM 25 SHIRT only!

I was glad to know some friends there, which are Justin and Kenny. Justin is hard working and helpful when serving customers. Kenny is a talkative and nice buddy. He always chatted with us and shared his happiness, the topics are around family, future study, school life in kwang hua or high school and his girl friend, bla bla... Then we always played like the children, two of us chased Kenny around the workpalce when free time, because Kenny is a nice person to be bullied! XD

We also noticed the surrounding during the working hour. We always saw a malay guy being around here, went to New Zealand Nature, then Mynews, then moved to Secret Recipe, and seen like no work for him. So I called him si lepak, same also my buddies. I also saw some of my friends there, and they surprised when I was working. XD

Due to the high price of food there, we part-timers brought the meal by homemade or from outside. We always sat on a bench which under escalator to enjoy our meals during rest time. You won't visualise how nice and fun I had during an hour break. We shared our food and chit-chatting. Kenny always shared his school life as a Form 6 with me and I bought some Pre-U books from him. We also used Kenny's notebook surfing internet to have fun.

It was my last day to work as a promoter at 17 January. There were out of stocks for certain stocks, which is pillows, kids towel and bath towels. It was the last day I played and joked with my buddies. It was also the last chance I served the customers. At 6.00 pm, I wished my buddies before I left.

I still miss the moment I had although preparing for my college's course intake. Even though I began my college life, I also visit them when back from college. Nice to see them again and feel good when having dilemma! After two days, the fair was coming to the end.

It was a great experience of my very first job. Sometimes I also went to Centro and refresh back the memory when working. And of course we're still keeping in touch. =)


Last day working...

Last day of fair...

Most expensive stocks, SINO

Under escalator =D

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