Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1月周记 (二)




(prom night)。然后我们开始分组,雏形已做出来了。当时嘉玮问阿瀚毕业旅行要去那儿,彦亨灵机一动便说阿瀚回答想去西藏。此话一出,我们笑得见牙不见眼。




2天是Program maju diri,一项年头得举办但毫无意义的活动。第一节是英文课,老师吩咐我们想想长大的志愿,待会儿点人做答,当作oral。我参与抡温、eric他们一起聊天,从毕业后修读的课到长大的志愿。Eric看来对毕业后不知该读什么而担忧,我也是。然后老师点志诚作答他的志愿,他说想当一名商人,老师给予的评语是:很特别,不像往年听到的大都是医生、工程师、律师等专业人士。接着她想点女生回答,是vivian。这时班上如失控般乱了起来,好巧,因为他俩在去年班级旅行时传出绯闻,今年继续延烧。而他俩肯定害羞,或无言以对。


今天班上一样吵杂,尤其是数学节。老师尽心尽力地教课,可大多数学生自顾自地聊得天花乱坠。嘉玮他们吵个不停,而我与老师的距离近在咫尺,真让我无法面对她…… 然后,一切正常。

From left: Yin Scene, Yee Mun, Bee Kee, Kah Chun, Pn Esah
我班最缺market pen~!


Sunday, January 17, 2010

1月周记 (一)


今年执教我班的老师当中有三位被撤换,首先是ah yew老师,由数学科目主任许老师接手。我对这位老师很熟悉,因为去年数学比赛有与她接触过,可是班上同学对她的反应冷淡。第一天还好,大家从认真到“放空”而没吵闹。但过了几天大家开始闹了起来,就连我旁边的班长嘉玮也聊天。我无言以对。




今天是Pn Esah 的生日,此前我们也做了准备。她进班时,我们起立为她献上《生日快乐》歌。说实在的,虽然她有些年级了,但不会保守地拒绝我们为她准备的生日。然后我们合照、吃蛋糕,就这样过了两节。










Saturday, January 16, 2010



1月4日开学了,启程前,我向神明祈求保佑,希望第一天的“三大事”(座位的位置、毗邻的同学、新来的老师) 可以实现。踏入校门,不像往年战战兢兢地,我怀着平常及充满期待的心情来到新课室--讲座室(Bilik Ceramah)。至于面对的人与事,我都不陌生,与学生叙叙旧,聊聊长假的活动。



休息后是国语节,还是同样的老师-Pn Esah,同样的教课方式--一个课题可以聊到天昏地暗;生物课时,老师也如往常般教课,我们也忙着写笔记,历史课也是一样。




Sunday, January 3, 2010








Saturday, January 2, 2010

6M'05 New Year's Gathering~

We planned that the gathering is started at 6.00pm but I reached station 1 on 6.45pm and thought I was the last person come… but I just saw few of them there, kher ching, ee yang and kher xin’s couple. I wished kher ching happy birthday without giving present… Luckily she didn’t ask, haha… Then we chit-chatted while wait for others since the time was 7pm already =.=
The sky became dark and day was entering night time. The people was getting more and more: kai yunn, ven yee, bee kee, chan kit, khai shern, meng zjun, yi xuan, meei huey, lai peng, eugene, wan wen and yik soon came successively. The attendance is 18 persons. We combined six tables and sat around them because easier to chat or have activities together. We were playing 21 points using poker card while ordering meal for dinner. Then we enjoyed eating. Eugene and yik soon left with reason wanna back to home. Some of us who brought digital camera took photos around. Unlike last time, luckily got bring it ~!
Then chan kit suggested to play “true or dare” and he set a number to begin this activity. It was very exciting when it was you turn to call out the unselected number especially the range is getting smaller! The first victim is yi xuan and she chose “true”, someone jokingly asked “what is your underwear’s colour ?“. But meng zjun asked a question to her, “Do ser lok and you have relationship? ” She answered no, with hesitant, hehe… Finally, kuan yew came.
We continued the game and finally kher xin call out the number. Eugene said they’re couple so sure will have many things to ask. Some of us asked “When is you two’s first kiss?” “Did you give the first kiss to him?”. Well, I forgot what she answered. Then was kuan yew. Suddenly, lai peng asked him loudly, “when is you first masturbation?” Everyone here was shocked when listened what lai peng asked! I think eugene who is the naughtiest among of us won’t ask this type of question. Kuan yew was speechless and embarrassed to answer “14 years old”.
Next the unlucky one was meei huey and someone asked “Among the guys who you prefer more?” Then we guys were speechless again and she chose meng zjun, haha. After that was the unluckiest in the game, kher xin again! She requested her bf to accept the punishment but then we wanna him chose “dare” to kiss kher xin’s forehead in 10 seconds! Under our gazes and cameras’ recoreder, they did it. Well I failed to record but never mind other people also got recorded.
Then I felt weird when I heard the range was just between 0 to 10 and before me just chan kit and her boyfriend. I was shocked when I called out the number and knew that kher xin set the number in range 0 to 10! Everyone got noise and thinking the questions but I argued with kher xin that don’t want so fast to complete. Luckily, very luckily some of them wanna restart the game. HUU~!!! NO NEED be treated by them! That time wan wen wanna left already, we took photos together… (Then eugene and yik soon sprayed her with snow sprayer~)
For the ending of this activity, everyone was excited when it was an opportunity to treat khai shern by asking him why he likes bee kee. Well, as you guess we were waiting for a long time for urging him to say. Finally he said “because she is pretty.” Eugene suan siao-ed him “Oh! You like her because of appearance la!”
After that, a waiter took the cake out and we sang birthday songs to kher ching and khai shern. After blew out all the candles, we wanna two of them took out a candle by using mouth. But we didn’t press their heads towards the cake because we also wanna eat the cake and it is delicious and expensive… We gave a ring which inside crafted "6M'2005 forever!" to them~
Khai shern was asked to took out a candle~
Then it was photo-taking session. That time meng zjun wanna left already, eugene and yik soon sprayed him. Poor meng zjun! And then naughty eugene covered khai shern's face with a piece of cake! Haha... Poor thing!
Later, it was fine rain, we moved in the café and paid the bill. Then some of them left. We went to mamak restaurant which opposite with station 1. On the way, some naughty guys spray the snow to girls, haha. It was 11pm and we reached there and we continued chatting. I left them quietly to back home because don’t want to be sprayed! Haha…
That’s all for new year’s gathering~! Today I'm so lucky because neither be sprayed nor be treated when playing "true or dare".Yeah! Lastly, Happy birthday to kher ching and khai shern, again!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010~

Today is the beginning of year 2010~! I'm sure some of friends are moving to shopping centres or squares for celebrating New Year. Well, I just surfing net only here and wish everyone have a happy new year^^

At noon, I had lunch with family before we moved to aeon bukit tinggi, again to buy clothes. But I didn't buy many clothes because of "considering" and there were no clothes siut with me! Wasted my time and unhappy now~

Then in the evening I met 6M's friends at station 1. We hace fun there and I leave on 11.10pm.

Time is passing so fast and now it is entering 2nd day of year 2010. The reopen school day is coming soon. Wish everyone is preparing your mood for study but not mind of holidays. Have a new plan for year 2010 to get a NEW BEGINNING~!

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